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What are STEM CELLS?

Stem cells are primary cells which can be transformed into more mature cells of the organism are precursors of all human cells. The blood that remains in the umbilical cord and the placenta after birth is called “cord blood”. Umbilical cord blood, umbilical cord tissue, and the placenta are all very rich sources of newborn stem cells. Read More

The Importance of STEM CELLS

Umbilical cord blood contains the biggest quantity of stem cells of any other source and the chance of their collection is given only once in a child’s lifetime. Umbilical cord stem cells are healthy cells because the mothers are checked systematically during prenatal check for the infection of viral diseases. Read More

Collection of STEM CELLS

Biohellenika is using a specific published procedure, collects all these cells which are added to the initial classic collection. With this method, a two-fold number of stem cells are ensured, stem cells that otherwise, without this second collection, would be discarded with the placenta. Read More

Available STEM CELLS Treatments

Bone Marrow Failure Disorders, Hemoblobinopathies, Histiocytic Disorders, Inherited Immune System Disorders, Inherited Metabolic Disorders, Leukemias and Lymphomas, Myelodysplastic/ Myeloproliferative Disorders, Plasma Cell Disorders, Other Inherited Disorders, Other Malignancies Read More

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  • Stem Cells from Cord Blood / Placenta

    The main source of stem cells is the umbilical cord blood. The procedure is totally painless and harmless either for the baby or the mother. After ligation of the umbilical cord, until the detachment of the placenta the doctor has the time to collect the blood that has remained into the placenta. It’s necessary to collect the maximum amount of blood.

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  • Stem Cells from Cord Tissue

    In recent years it is discovered that the umbilical cord substance, Wharton’s jelly, contains stem cells that can turn into other cells of the body. These cells are the type of mesenchymal cells and found in tissue surrounding blood vessels of the umbilical cord. The mesenchymal cells are particularly cells and collected by a special method, which separates them from the tissue of the umbilical cord.

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  • VSELs (Very Small Embryonic Like cells)

    Very small embryonic‐like stem cells (VSELs) are a population of developmentally early stem cells residing in adult tissues. Very small embryonic-like cells (VSELs), found in cord blood and other adult tissues, are small, non-hematopoietic cells expressing markers of pluripotent embryonic and primordial germ cells. VSELs have begun to be characterized, though with a slightly different phenotype and surface markers.

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  • Stem Cells Latest News

    Stem cells can give rise to any tissue found in the body and, as a result, can provide nearly limitless potential for medical applications (regenerative medicine). Current studies are researching how stem cells may be used to prevent or cure diseases and injuries such as Parkinson's disease, type 1 diabetes, heart disease, spinal cord injury, muscular dystrophy, Alzheimer's disease, strokes, burns, osteoarthritis, vision and hearing loss. Stem cells could also be used to replace or repair tissue damaged by disease or injury.

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